I didn't run away. This is what I said to Jason after I put the girls down tonight. After an awesome day yesterday of family pictures, hanging out AND I got some errands done alone, I was so looking forward to a day of nothing to do but stay home. However, a day of nothing to do is kind of an oxymoron with our crew...
Haley sounded hoarse last night before bed but I had just pried a ladybug she was trying to eat out of her mouth so thought maybe it was that. During the night, we heard her cough which sounded a little croupy but didn't wake her up. Then, this morning when she woke up, her breathing sounded HORRIBLE. We have tons of experience with croup but this was so much worse. It was a high pitched sound and it was every time she took a breath. Called our ped at 6:30a, told us to head to the ER which we did. She was happy as a clam, still sounded horrible though. Jason told me to make sure to tell them she may have eaten a ladybug or something else. ER was great, super quick, we got a breathing treatment which made our super laid back baby super hyper trying to climb over, under and around the hospital gurney. Told like 5 different people she may have eaten a ladybug, was reasurred 5 different times this was not due to a ladybug. Now I'm the weird Mom whose kid may or may not have eaten a ladybug. Headed home with prescriptions for an inhaler and steroids. Still sounds bad but it does sound better, praying she sleeps tonight...for all our sakes. This of course made me one irritable Mommy which I HATE. I had to be warden to make the girls clean up their room. I did end the evening by reading each of the girls a book so maybe they won't go to bed thinking "Man, what is wrong with her????" Tomorrow is another day, hopefully a healthy one...