Lacy's school put together a cookbook compiled of all the kids favorite recipes that we sent in & then the back page were questions that the kids answered about their Moms. Here's what Lacy's said:
My Mom's name is Jenny (great, she knows my name)
My Mom's favorite color is: Aqua (this is really Lacy's favorite color)
My Mom always wears pants
I want to buy my Mom a new faucet for Mother's Day (when I asked her why, she said it's because ours is so dirty, awesome)
Jason also gave the girls each gift cards to give me from different stores. Lacy gave me one from the GAP, she said it's so I can buy more sweatshirts. Ummm...I guess I should start wearing some different shirts besides GAP sweatshirts since she can now read GAP and counts it as one of her sight words.
Monday, May 9, 2011
I just teasing...
I'm fixing lunch, Harper's already at the table and yells out, in her happy go lucky sing song voice
"Mommy, I pooped in my panties"
Me, "Harper, you what?"
Harper,"I just teasing Mommy"
She did this ALL day long today...outside, playing in the playroom. Jason thinks it's hysterical that she knows how to tease and make up jokes already. Which is great,I just wish her jokes didn't center around something I may have to potentially spend time cleaning up.
"Mommy, I pooped in my panties"
Me, "Harper, you what?"
Harper,"I just teasing Mommy"
She did this ALL day long today...outside, playing in the playroom. Jason thinks it's hysterical that she knows how to tease and make up jokes already. Which is great,I just wish her jokes didn't center around something I may have to potentially spend time cleaning up.
Happy Mother's Day!
This year was a little more special just because the girls prepared their gifts as a surprise at school. I never thought I would get sentimental over the "treasures" that they made but I did get a wee bit choked up. Days before Mother's Day, here was a conversation before school one day.
All of us are watching for Lily's bus in the playroom.
Lily, "Mommy, I'm not going to tell you what I got your for Mother's Day but I will give you one clue. It grows"
Me, " it a baby boy? Babies grow and we don't have a boy one."
Lily, "Nope. I'll give you one more clue. It's got dirt"
Me, "Maybe a worm. Worms grow and they like dirt?"
Lacy, " I know, it's a plant!"
Lily, "LACY! I'm not giving anymore clues because I don't want you guessing!"
So, on the way to church, it comes up again...
Lily, "I'm not going to tell you what I got you for Mother's Day but I'll give you a clue, it has leaves"
Me, "Maybe a Christmas tree? It has leaves."
Lily, "No, I can't grow a Christmas tree & I GREWED (still working on our verb tense) your present"
Me, "Gosh, I don't know what it could be!
All of us are watching for Lily's bus in the playroom.
Lily, "Mommy, I'm not going to tell you what I got your for Mother's Day but I will give you one clue. It grows"
Me, " it a baby boy? Babies grow and we don't have a boy one."
Lily, "Nope. I'll give you one more clue. It's got dirt"
Me, "Maybe a worm. Worms grow and they like dirt?"
Lacy, " I know, it's a plant!"
Lily, "LACY! I'm not giving anymore clues because I don't want you guessing!"
So, on the way to church, it comes up again...
Lily, "I'm not going to tell you what I got you for Mother's Day but I'll give you a clue, it has leaves"
Me, "Maybe a Christmas tree? It has leaves."
Lily, "No, I can't grow a Christmas tree & I GREWED (still working on our verb tense) your present"
Me, "Gosh, I don't know what it could be!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Tympanoplasty AKA Lily's most exciting day EVER!
The day finally arrived for Lily's surgery, she didn't seem anxious about it, talked about it alot at home & at school but seemed excited, not worried. Wasn't sure if that meant we had done a good job preparing her or a horrible one since she was looking forward to it. Got to the hospital, settled in to our pre op room. She asked the nurse what her gown was going to look like, wanted to put that on right away, what was on her bracelet, all about her sleep medicine,etc. Had a blast because she could adjust her bed, use the tv remote,etc. And she had us all to herself which just about NEVER happens.
Of course they were late getting us to surgery, when they came to get us, we had to walk and walk and walk to the pre op area. I could sense her getting a little nervous, wanted hold me hand so that's when I got choked up but I held it together. The anesthesia nurse & Dr. Chen came in & of course Lily had questions for them:
"What does the sleep medicine look like?"
"How big is my IV?"
"What are you going to put in my ear"
"What does it smell like?"
And on and on and on....
Jason asked if I could go back to the OR with her until she was out which isn't what they usually do but they said Ok so I suited up and they wheeled Lily on the gurney while I held her hand. I knew at some point she was going to start freaking out and she didn't disappoint! They started t put the oxygen sensor on her toe & then the kicking, screaming for Mommy started. They ended up having to hold her down while putting the mask on & then she was out in a few seconds. I think they were afraid I would freak out too but I figured that was going to happen. I've had to hold her down by myself for a blood draw so I knew! Surgery took about an hour/15 & went well. Lily was weepy and irritable when she came out but didn't have any vomiting. She kept saying, " I want this IV OUT!" Within an hour or so, she was eating popsicles and then was ready for cereal, here's how that played out.
Nurse, "Are you ready for cereal?"
Lily, "What kind do you have?"
Nurse, "I'll go get them and you can pick"
Brings back several kinds and shows them to Lily
Nurse, "Cheerios, froot loops, etc."
Lily, "What other kinds do you have?"
Nurse, "That's all we have"
Lily, "Ok, I guess I'll have cheerios"
Then, poor Jason gets the task of feeding her the Cheerios because they bandaged up her hands so she couldn't rip out her IV. Jason tries to feed her a normal amount on the spoon but Queen Lily would have none of that!
Lily, "Daddy, can you just feed me one cheerio at a time"
The look on his face was priceless!
Jason, " about 3 cheerios at a time?"
Lily, "Yeah, that's Ok"
A few bites late...Lily, "Daddy, I counted them in my mouth and there were 4 cheerios the last time"
Love it! Got home past 8 that night, told Lacy all about it, slept decent (well, she did,I did not!) and was almost back to normal the next day. And now we wait 6 weeks until her hearing test to see if it worked..praying!
Of course they were late getting us to surgery, when they came to get us, we had to walk and walk and walk to the pre op area. I could sense her getting a little nervous, wanted hold me hand so that's when I got choked up but I held it together. The anesthesia nurse & Dr. Chen came in & of course Lily had questions for them:
"What does the sleep medicine look like?"
"How big is my IV?"
"What are you going to put in my ear"
"What does it smell like?"
And on and on and on....
Jason asked if I could go back to the OR with her until she was out which isn't what they usually do but they said Ok so I suited up and they wheeled Lily on the gurney while I held her hand. I knew at some point she was going to start freaking out and she didn't disappoint! They started t put the oxygen sensor on her toe & then the kicking, screaming for Mommy started. They ended up having to hold her down while putting the mask on & then she was out in a few seconds. I think they were afraid I would freak out too but I figured that was going to happen. I've had to hold her down by myself for a blood draw so I knew! Surgery took about an hour/15 & went well. Lily was weepy and irritable when she came out but didn't have any vomiting. She kept saying, " I want this IV OUT!" Within an hour or so, she was eating popsicles and then was ready for cereal, here's how that played out.
Nurse, "Are you ready for cereal?"
Lily, "What kind do you have?"
Nurse, "I'll go get them and you can pick"
Brings back several kinds and shows them to Lily
Nurse, "Cheerios, froot loops, etc."
Lily, "What other kinds do you have?"
Nurse, "That's all we have"
Lily, "Ok, I guess I'll have cheerios"
Then, poor Jason gets the task of feeding her the Cheerios because they bandaged up her hands so she couldn't rip out her IV. Jason tries to feed her a normal amount on the spoon but Queen Lily would have none of that!
Lily, "Daddy, can you just feed me one cheerio at a time"
The look on his face was priceless!
Jason, " about 3 cheerios at a time?"
Lily, "Yeah, that's Ok"
A few bites late...Lily, "Daddy, I counted them in my mouth and there were 4 cheerios the last time"
Love it! Got home past 8 that night, told Lacy all about it, slept decent (well, she did,I did not!) and was almost back to normal the next day. And now we wait 6 weeks until her hearing test to see if it worked..praying!
How did a month go by?
Way too much to catch up on! Here are some pictures from Easter, we hadn't been "home" since Christmas so it was a great break for all of us especially Jason working so much lately. Played with cousins, Mammy braved taking care of all 4 girls so we could sneak out for a date which included shoe shopping for the girls, yeah, we're wild. The girls did well at church on Sunday even though keeping Haley still is much like wrestling a 20 pound pig. Jason asking Lily what she liked best about Easter and she said it best, "Being with everybody"

Attempt #1 at picture of girls in their Easter finery.
Attempt #2, Look @ Daddy, put your legs down, quit playing with your hair..and on and on
Attempt # 2657...this is when I usually tell Jason, "let it go, it's good enough"
One of these things is not like the other..Thomas, holding his own!
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