Tuesday was a wonderful trip to the dentist, I KNEW somebody was going to have cavities because I was pretty sure Jesus wasn't wasting a miracle on my childs teeth. Even though I'm always on them to brush their teeth, I KNOW they don't do it as well as they should. Lacy fell victim with two small cavities that she doesn't have to have filled because they're going to fall out soon anyway. I would have felt vindicated except she was so upset, she thought we would be mad and I could see her holding back the tears when we were leaving. Told her we weren't mad but let this be a warning to brush when I say brush, BRUSH YOUR TEETH.
And since it had been a whole five days since someone hadn't felt well, Lily woke up on Wednesday not feeling great. Our rule is if you're not throwing up or have a fever, you go to school. Sometimes I feel bad for having that rule but usually if its just a bellyache or a cold, they get busy at school and forget they even felt bad. Lily tends to be a wee big dramatic when she doesn't feel well so off to school she went...school nurse called at 2p and picked up her. She had a rough night, fevers, throwing up so off to the pediatrician and it's yet another case of STREP in our house. Pretty sure the pediatrician is going to think I have Munchausens as often as we've been there in the past month. So, Haley was thrilled Lily was home with us Thursday & Friday.
Soooo we missed 4H, missed speech therapy, missed basketball practice, missed parents night out at school, missed our date night BUT I did count my blessings & thank Jason for the millionth time that I get to be home. I got to hang out on their day off school to buy shrimp and check out the pet store, it's not a big deal that it's a whole afternoon when all 4 go to the dentist, I can pick up a sick girl within 10 minutes of the nurses call, I can hang out with Lily and hand out lots of extra (germy) hugs when she's sick and not stress out about it. Even after almost 10 years of being home, I'm still grateful that we made this choice.
Now for some funnies:
Haley was explaining something to me and I guess I wasn't giving her my full attention so she said "Mommy, I'm serious" and this is the look she gave me.
I think I forgot to post this but Lily gave this to Harper when she was sick. She can be a stinker but that Lily is the most thoughtful, generous girl I know.
Some Harper isms this week:
Harper was tapping foot VERY loudly because thats how she does everything, told her to quit and she asks why. I told her "it's very annoying" and she said "It's not annoying to me" and I say, "well, it's annoying to other people" and then her response "Not to me, I would never do anything to annoy MYSELF"
We keep all our legos in a drawer in the big girls closet and they were all over the floor. Figured out Harper did it and I called her up to clean it up. I said, "Harper, you just can't leave them all over the floor" and Harper matter of factly replies, "well I can because I did" Can't argue with that.
Harper has a habit of sitting down to eat and then running to the bathroom, it's like she forgets she has to go until she sits down because Harper moves at a faster pace than most cheetahs. She goes to the bathroom and then sits back down to her chicken noodle soup, lets me know that she has to talk to me in private after dinner. So, after our dinner, here's our conversation:
"Mom, you know how pee is usually just regular pee?"
"Yep, was there something wrong with your pee?"
"Yeah, it wasn't regular pee. It looked like noodle pee"
"What's noodle pee?" trying to keep my composure
"You know, like pee but it has a noodle in it"
"Are you trying to tell me you had a noodle in your pee?"
"Well, it looked like a noodle but with pee"
"Harper, I think you had a noodle on your shirt or your pants, it must have fallen in the toilet when you were going to the bathroom"
"No, I think it was noodle pee"
"Umm...ok, I guess let me know if it happens again"
The next morning at breakfast, Harper announced, "Mommy, you know that problem we talked about last night. It was normal this morning, no noodles or anything"