Had lots of fun with the girls on the trip, took Lily & Lacy to see Toy Story 3. The girls have been to the movies with Grandma & Grandpa so this was our first time seeing them watching a movie. It was 3D and they didn't quite get it so they kept taking their glasses off. Lacy was just as thrilled with her Icee as the movie, Lily got a little restless and told me she was sleepy a few times. Jason said, They're at such a fun age and he's so right. They're done with diapers, bottles, almost done with naps so it's so easy to just pick up and take them anywhere. Mammy tells me not to wish my life away but I will be glad when we're able to do more things as a family without having to worry about the baby schedules.
Hung out with Aunt Cheryl and Lauren at the pool, little nervous about taking all of them to the pool but it was so much fun. Harper loved it, Haley slept and hung out in her stroller. I love it when I think things will go horribly wrong and it turns out just fine. Lily & Lacy wanted to spend the night at Aunt Cheryl's, probably because she's so much fun but also because she has two cats that I think they want to terrorize.
Thomas came to play with us at Mammy's house which was great just to watch how fascinated they are just because he's not their sibling and he's a BOY which we don't get alot of. That's something I miss because we're far away, I would love to be able to have them grow up together and be close. We even ventured out to Cracker Barrel with our "Party" of 12. I use the term party loosely, it is anything but a party and anything but relaxing when you have that many children eating out. LOVED watching the munchkins play together...

Lacy pulling Harper who only weighs 7 pounds less than her.

Trying to get a good pic of Thomas & Harper. They're probably thinking, "Woman, move out of the way, we're trying to see if Elmo is on"

Do I not just look like Jason Newton but with a giant yellow polka dot bow?

I said, "Move woman, we're trying to watch Elmo?"

Thomas pulling what suspiciously looks like a purse...SSSHHH! Don't tell Neal.

They like this bathtub since it has doors, they can have PRIVACY

Harper, livin' the good life, eating chips and hanging out with Daddy

Everything tastes better when you sit on a blanket and it's at the pool


Woman, don't touch these toys! Everything was just fine until you girls showed up...

Teeny, tiny, baby Grant
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