Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lessons from our layoff

Now, that Jason is back at work and we're back to our 1950s style marriage that works so well for us, I want to make sure I remember the lessons that I want to take with me.
1. I CAN be happy anywhere as long as I have Jason & the girls. As much as I would love to be back somewhere with family someday and somewhere that doesn't have snow 4 months out of the year, it's just not as important as the six of us.

2. My husband rocks. We were together ALOT the past 3 months and after an initial adjustment, it was pretty great. Even through the crap, he can make me laugh like no one else can. He kept his spirits up more than I would have been able to, spent a huge amount of time with the girls just hanging out. Unbelievably blessed to be his wife. He has always been the steady one in our marriage, laidback, even keel. I tried and I think succeeded most of the time in being that kind of person when we went through this, it helped me become the wife I wanted to be.

3. I love being home with the girls. I knew this before but didn't appreciate it as much. We talked one day about if I had to go back to work, well Jason mentioned it and looked at him like a deer in headlights. I didn't sleep that night and felt nauseous just thinking about it. Some days are crazy, some days I want to lock myself in the bathroom for 5 minutes because well, I just want to but I wouldn't change it. I get to do my dream job which is hanging out with my girls all day, every day, 24x7.

I wanted to write this down since this blog is something for me to reflect back on as we journey along in life, now that things are back to "normal".

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