Lots of our best conversations happen in the car...
Lily, "I've decided to invite you to my wedding Mommy"
Me, "Thanks Lil, I'm so glad"
Lily, "WAIT, won't you be dead then?"
Me, "Ummm...I don't think so"
The next day...
Lily, joking says, "I'm going to unbuckle my seatbelt"
Me, "No, no you're not"
Lily, "What would you do?"
Me, "I would pull over, make you buckle, take away your movie time"
Lily, "What if I unbuckled again?"
Me, "Then I would put you back in a baby car seat"
Lily, Well, I know how to unbuckle the baby car seat too"
Me, "You know, Lily it's the law that you have to be in a car seat. Mommy could go to jail if you don't sit in a car seat"
Lily, "How long?"
Me, "How long what?"
Lily, "How long would you go to jail?"
Me, "I don't know, why?"
Lily, "Well, if you go to jail for like a week & Daddy's at work, we can do whatever we want. We can eat sandwiches and watch movies all day"