Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Says it better than I can...

Another blog I read is a Mom with quadruplet boys...different from our house but I think every mother can relate. She put words into feelings that I have so often.

"Yet they still remain impressionable, which is both comforting and terrifying at the same time. There is so much I long to teach them while they remain teachable. Often I feel inadequate and overwhelmed, but there is much joy in the invaluable moments that we just live life together."

"We may not be able to provide them every opportunity or experience, but they are loved. And they are loved well."

We have made a very conscious decision to not have the girls try every sport, take every class, have playdates scheduled every weekend, etc. while they're still so young and once in awhile, I feel bad that we don't do Disney every year or have dance 4x a week. We want to spend these years WITH them, taking advantage of the time when they think we know what we're talking about. To enjoy lots of time to play, use their imagination. This was a great reminder that the best thing we can do is LOVE them, be there as much as possible to show them that. And Lord knows we try.

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