Playing at the Party Store

Fiesta! They LOVE the party store...especially Haley who I know steals extra Hershey kisses that she eats super fast. I always tell the cashier to add 5 Hershey kisses to our total since the girls know "NEWTONS DON'T STEAL!"

Lily's picture of our family. Not sure what we're drinking and why we all have giant boots on..

Here's Lacy's handwriting practice from school. Note that she writes about her love for her teacher FIRST and I'm under that...I'm not even capitalized!!!

This was so awesome..the kindergarteners each did a powerpoint presentation for their family at school. Yes, the kindergarteners did their very own powerpoint. It was so cool to watch, well until Harper & Haley started fighting over my iphone, then fought over who could sit on the chair with Lacy and then until Haley tried to take off running which she finds ridiculously funny...I do not.
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