Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our Lily

If you ask me which child is the most "high maintenance", Lily is my girl who comes to mind. She's not defiant, doesn't carry much attitude, isn't mean spirited (most of the time) but she can be a challenge to "tame" at times. Likes to be the one who's talking, has trouble waiting, a little sassy and sometimes I have a tendency to focus on these instead of the wonderful gifts she has...I was reminded of a few this week.

Lily & I were on a grocery shopping date, she loves to hold the list and find stuff for me especially if I let her go down the aisle by herself...we were walking down the aisle and an elderly lady dropped her coupon and without even a prompt from me, Lily picks it up and very politely asks the lady, "Is this yours? I think you dropped your coupon" The lady thanked her and Lily says, "your welcome, have a great day" As ridiculous as it sounds, it got me a little choked up. We teach and teach and teach and model kindness, helping others, and every once in awhile I get to see a peak at the payoff.

Last night, after showers without being asked Lily combed out the little girls hair because she knows I have to battle Harper to get all the tangles out and as she says, "So you don't have to hear Harper whine"  She must have had a muzzle on Harper because I didn't even hear her yell once.

Such little things but I can't wait to see how this girl continues to grow....

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