Sunday, December 2, 2012

Grade school notes

 Harper's slumber party. The big girls wanted the little ones to spend the night in their room. Probably so they could play with Harper's new toys but anyway, the next morning, Lily says, "They are never ever spending the night again, Harper asks too many questions and Haley plays with toys all night"
 We brought back buckets of acorns from Mammy & Pappy's house and have been feeding one very happy squirrel we've named Squeaky. Lily & Lacy decided to "observe" Squeaky one afternoon. My favorite is that Lily noted, "eats without manners"!!
 This is a Halloween card from Lily's friend Andrew...we then had a discussion about making sure we're FRIENDS. Uggghhh...I dread them getting older.
 Jason & Haley during the marathon Santa list making...pretty sure Jason had a hand cramp after the last one.
 Lacy's Note, "Dear Mommy and Daddy, I'm sorry if I laugh at you or don't listen to you. P.S. And God" I then asked Lacy if she laughs at us alot. She answered, "Not you, just Daddy. Like when he fell in that hole last winter"
 Lily has to write sentences with her spelling words each week. Here's some gems from this week, "When I am sick, I complain alot all day long" Truer words have never been spoken! and "My dad is underpaid at his job" Amen, sister!
 Lily made this cartoon for Lacy when her eye was hurting, it is titled "Get well Best sisters"
Serious Jib Jab video making on a crazy Friday night

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