Thursday, July 9, 2015

It's a Tater!

Wow, I feel like I haven't had a chance to catch my breath this week! A crazy, wonderful week that the girls probably won't forget. Last Friday, we kicked off our 4th of July weekend with the pool, then a family campout (I love everything about the family campout except the part where we sleep on air mattresses outside), then 4th of July fireworks with friends which means we were already sleep deprived and then staying up way too late and were out the door by 8:30 because it was finally TATER DAY!

To say these kids are in love with this puppy is an understatement, obsessed might be a better fit. I'm sure the newness will wear off at some point but it's all they talk about and all they want to do. All of this is fantastic but it makes it hard to find quiet moments with him for training since they are very distracting playmates for him. I have to make them leave the kitchen sometimes because I know he needs to learn to hang out on his own...I mean, I love  him too but I'm not going to play with him 24/7 when they're at school. 
Oh, Look they're finally letting me hold my puppy!
Jason said this is like north, south, east and west surrounding him
No, Tater we did not have that playground rope installed for you
See how excited he is to go places with us
They even do their work by him
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I'm always finding Harper in the kitchen with a sleeping Tater in her lap  because "he just crawled in my lap"
Jason spent hours making Tater's toilet & he really likes lay down in
Harper totally staged this picture and then said, "look, he loves his squirrel"
This girl loves her lab
Harper keeps saying "I can't believe we have a real live dog"

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