Sunday, July 25, 2010

Way too early for questions...

"Why does the Earth not have hands?" Lacy
"Ummm...because the Earth is a planet not a person" Me
"Sissy, just outer space has hands, not the earth" Lily
"No, outer space doesn't have hands either" Me
" Why?" Lily
"Because it's not a person" Me
"Can we watch that show where the spider bites the little girl?" Lily

THOSE days...

Yesterday was one of THOSE days, well not even the whole day, just from the time they got up from nap until bedtime so like 4 hours, 37 minutes for Lily & Lacy, 2 hours 42 minutes for Haley and 3 hours 4 minutes for Harper. In between the whining, squealing, tattling, stomping, fussing, incessant questioning of everything....

"Lacy, please don't sneeze on the donuts" from Jason
"Mommy, would you not like it if a alligator ate your arm off" from Lily
"What would happen if our car fell in a big hole?" from Lacy
"I'll miss you Lacy" from Lily, talking about when she starts kindergarten
"What would happen if I rode the bus when I was 4?" from Lily

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Boys & Girls

Being that they only have sisters, the girls really haven't questioned the differences between boys & girls...until today. Not even sure what started it but...
Me, "Girls have vaginas"
Lacy, "What do boys have?"
Me, "Boys have a penis"
Lily, "What's a penis"
Me, "It's a boys private part"
Lacy, "Like our pagina"
Me, "Yes"
Lily, "What color is it?"
Where is Jason when I need him????? is what I'm thinking
Me, "Like the color of skin"
Lacy, "Our pagina is pink"
Me, "Yes"
Lily, "What does Daddy have?"
Me, "A penis"
Lily, "What color is it"
Me, "Like skin"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wild Animals for dinner

After just about every meal, we have to sweep up under the kitchen table, well under it and about 6 foot radius around it. Sometimes, I look at the pile of stuff that is in the pile and it looks like they may as well eat on the floor. Silverware, straws, sometimes a crayon, maybe some teeny tiny tinkerbell paraphanalia. For the record, that is shredded cheese not worms...

Current Conversation from the playroom

"Lacy, you need to share that with me"
"Lacy, you need to share with me. God is not happy"
Lacy, you better share that with me. God is very mad"

Alone time please!

The girls get along fabulously for the most part but sometimes, they will tell eachother, I need some alone time. Everybody was playing in my bathroom, literally everybody. Haley was laying on the bathroom rug since she likes to hang out there when she's fussy in the evenings, Lily is "cleaning my closet" which means she takes anything that was on the floor and kind of throws it on a shelf, Harper is eating toothpaste off someone's toothbrush since they NEVER rinse out their toothbrushes very well and then there's Lacy. Lacy's has made a little nest for herself in the shower, put some towels down, brought some crafts to work on and she's good to go. I caught her trying to take my pillow in there. I asked her, what are you doing in there?

" I needed some alone time"

Sweet Little Lacy

Lacy is so stinkin' sweet she makes me cry sometimes. During nap time today, I took the big girls outside to teach them to do leaf rubbings, I have no idea why I decided to do this on a super hot day but whatever. We're sitting on the sidewalk out front coloring and Lacy says,
"Why are you so special Mommy?"
"Do you think Mommy's special?"
"Why do you think Mommy's special"
"Because you do fun things with us like color on leaves"

Big Storm!

Big storm last night, second time EVER Lily & Lacy have been woken by thunder. We were just falling asleep, thunder started and immediately, they come running around their room screaming like they're being attached by wild animals. Of course, I'm "SSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! SSSSSHHHHH!" "Stop screaming, you're going to wake your sisters" "SSSSSSSSSHHHHH!!!" The thunder didn't wake Harper up but her wild banshee sisters did. So, all three girls & I cuddle up on the couch, Jason gets up and the storm/tornado sirens go off. Then, I guess our city has a speaker system because we were hearing, "Take cover, a tornado warning has been issued" The girls hear this and don't know what's going on. Jason opens the door so he can hear, Lily goes to the door with him and hears the voice and says, "IS THAT GOD TALKING?"
Lots and lots of questions like, "Is the tomato going to hit our house?" (That is how Lacy says tornado) "Can a tomato break a tree?" "Can a tomato take Harper away?"

Last but not least

Although a big part of me is glad that soon, very soon, we will be done with bottles, bouncy seats and burping, it is still bittersweet that Haley is my last little baby. I am content that our family is complete but I'm trying to savor this time with Haley more so than I did the other girls because she is my last. Too often, Haley is just along for the ride when we're out and about, usually content with her tootie in her carrier. She is a lucky little girl that she has three sisters who want to hold her, make her smile and make her laugh. I try to steal some quiet time with my little girl when she wakes up in the morning or from nap, to just sit in the rocker, hold her while she drools all over her hand, look in her sweet little face and just savor this baby time. Then, usually within 5 minutes or less, the others sniff me out and Harper is rocking with us, Lily & Lacy are dragging toys in her room, putting their dolls in her crib. Even though it rarely lasts long, I'm grateful to just have a little peace with my Haley.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pet Spider

The girls were supposed to be cleaning the playroom, I'm getting Haley's bottle ready and Lacy comes running in the kitchen.
"There's a spider in the playroom you need to get Mommy"
"Is it alive or dead?"
"I'll come get it after I feed Haley or maybe you can keep it as a pet"
Lacy thinks a minute
"No, it's not the kind of spider you keep for a pet"

A long time ago...when Lily was 4

Lily & Lacy were discussing how Lily used to sneak food, Lily said, "A long time ago, when I was 4, I used to sneak food. Now that I'm 5, I don't sneak food anymore." I said, I know you don't sneak food anymore, why don't we sneak?

"We don't sneak because it's like lying and because I'm 5 now"

Monday, July 19, 2010

How lucky are these girls to have THIS Daddy?

Sissy way too busy picking out Christmas presents in July to look at the camera
Haley thinking, "Man, I love that Daddy but my sisters are CRAZY

Lily & Lacy doing Daddy's chalk outline

Smiley smiling as usual

Monkey see, monkey do...guess we're supposed to lay on the driveway now

Sweet Sounds

For the first time (and I'm hoping not the last) I heard ALL my girls giggling together, I can't think of a sweeter sound. Lily & Lacy were making Haley laugh which made Harper laugh. And even though I knew in less than 2 minutes, someone would probably be whining, crying, bumped their head or tattling, these are the tiny little moments that make me feel overwhelmed how unbelievably blessed I am to be these little girls Mommy.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Harper's strong arming techniques

Jason & I have been trying to make an effort to read to Harper more. Sometimes one on one time with each of the munchkins gets lost in all of the day to day but we're trying to make time to do this. Now that we've been reading to her more, she wants you to read the same book OVER and OVER and OVER. Jason read her a book tonight several times but apparently it wasn't enough because she kept trying to open his hand and put the book in it to read it for the millionth time...


Tonight was a night when everyone was very loud, Lily & Lacy wanted to put on a "show" for us which was basically them banging around on stuff to make "music". Harper whining and then stealing the big girls stuff, running from them while yelling "Mine, mine, mine" and of course Haley had her high pitched squeal that lets you know she's going to start fussing any minute if you don't do something about it. We did have a fun conversation about church at the dinner table tonight, Jason asked the girls what their favorite part of church was this morning.
Lacy says, "Talking to Jesus" What did you talk to Jesus about Lacy? "I don't know" Well, I guess He knows and that's all that matters. Lily, what was your favorite part of church this morning? "The peace part" I'm thinking this is because she gets to talk to people.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Learning to Pray

We had a very full day today, went swimming with the big girls then they went to their friend Erin's to play this afternoon, then went to Walmart with me which they love to do for some reason. We got home late so we hurried through our bedtime routine, Lily asked me to read them their Bible story. I told them they could take their Bible's to church with them in the morning. Lacy then showed me some princess book she said she wanted to take to church. I told Lacy that we only take our Bible's to church, not princess books. She asked why, and I said it's because our Bible helps us pray. She said, "But Mommy, I don't know how to pray." I told her when you pray you're just talking to God and Mommy prays ALL day long to be a good Mommy, for lots of patience, to be a good wife to Daddy, really, ALL day long.
Then, Lily pipes in and says I want to pray. I said, go ahead.
"Please God, can we please go to Erin's house again tomorrow?" Not exactly what I had in mind but I did get my point across.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lily's Persistence

We feel confident that Lily will either be an attorney or involved in some pushy, high pressure sales. Here's why...We took a walk earlier in the day, stopped by to say hello to Erin, one of the girls little friends. Of course Lily asked if they could go in her house, by the way we have had NUMEROUS conversations with Lily that she should NOT invite herself in people's homes, invite herself to dinner at the neighbors or ask them if she can go to Home Depot with them. Anyway, Erin's Mom Lauren said they had to go pick up their cat at the vet and if they got home early enough, she would call and then girls could come down. Awesome, so all I heard ALL day was, is it time to go to Erins? Is it time to go to Erin's? Is it time to go to Erin's? Then Lily starts asking me to call her..repeatedly. I told her Lauren will call us if we can come down. Then, she sits on the couch with the phone and says, "What numbers would I push to call Ms. Lauren?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Harper's language has really been taking off the past few weeks...her new favorite word which comes in very handy when you have two older sisters is...MINE! Not just "mine" but when she says it, it's usually while she's running after her sisters who have something that she has decided is hers, it sounds like this "MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE,MINE, MINE!". Her other words which aren't used quite as much as mine are Dora, please, hi, bye, Daddy, Mama, ball, quack, quack and some other ones that no one else but me can understand. She's so stinkin' cute you just want to squeeze her! Especially when she's standing on her chair when she know she shouldn't giving that big 'ol grin...


The girls are taking forever to settle down tonight since they napped today...these are their questions so far that couldn't wait until morning.

"Why did you not read us our Bible story?"
"When is Easter?"
"How many months is that?"
"Why do you go to sleep before Daddy"
"I need a tiny little drink"
"Why is Sissy wearing her clothes to bed?"
"My belly really really hurts"
"When will it be morning?"
"Why is it taking so long for it to be morning"

Love Summer with the girls!

I love summer evenings with our munchkins, we've settled into a fun routine of cleaning up the kitchen, well that's my job and then we all head out front for scooters, strollers and sidewalk chalk. Playing with the hose, running through the neighbors sprinkler, love it! These are the times I want them to stay little forever but I also can't wait for Haley to be a little bigger so she can join in too.
Tonight, the girls had Jason lay in the driveway while they drew around him, then he did their chalk outlines for them and a squirrel and a bunny and our house for them. Lucky girls to have such a great Daddy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Ok, they're not swimming yet but they did survive their first swim lesson today. We've been talking it up, saying we have to learn to swim if we want to keep going on the boat, to go swimming at Aunt Cheryl's AND if we want to be like mermaids, we have to do it! Daddy ordered cool new goggles that we've practiced in the bathtub with, Dora beach towels and we were ready. Met our swim teacher, Katie out on the pool deck and I could tell Sissy wasn't going to go easily.
She asked, "Will you stay with me Mommy?" I said No, but Ms. Katie is going to stay with you and help you the whole time. Then she said, "But I'm so afraid Mommy"
I wanted to pick her up and tell her she didn't have to learn to swim but I knew she just had to do it. The tears started and I just handed her over to Katie and left. By the time I got upstairs to the observation window, they were in the water with Katie. Not like swimming or anything yet, but in the water, no tears!
To celebrate, we got Happy Meals & Daddy had balls & bracelets to celebrate their swim!

One more dance pic

Monday, July 12, 2010


Lily & Lacy started their first dance class today...hysterically funny & so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. Tap was a little challenging...lots of foot coordination. I think Sissy got tired of waiting her turn for the teacher to show her the steps, she climbed on a stool to sit and wait. Lily was showing off some moves that I know the teacher wasn't teaching while she waited her turn.

Super cute pics of Lily & Lacy in their dance attire!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday funnies..

Lily comes downstairs this morning, starts fixing her waffles and proudly announces,
"Mommy, I did not pick my scabs or twirl my hair in the night" Awesome, so proud of you!

Lily had to get an eye exam for Kindergarten today, her question about her appointment was,
" Mommy, what will I have to pee in at the Eye Dr. today?"

Things I find...

I try and try and try some more to keep our home organized, picked up and clean but with 4 little kids it is sometimes a losing battle. I try to pick up in the morning before everyone gets up, at nap time and then at bed time. You would think that with all the picking up I do ALL day, I would find these things in my bathroom:

Some fake feathers on the floor
Two small fake pumpkins on the counter, one with a fake feather sticking out of it
A spoon
3 mermaids (those at least were in the bathtub)
A mismatched pair of princess shoes
Two rafts constructed of duplo blocks
Dora & Boots (who were planning on riding the rafts)

Who needs a clean house anyway?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Seperated...for 20 minutes

We go to the gym just about everyday, the girls like it, I LOVE it...aside from getting back in shape & feeling great, it gives me an hour a day to not think about everyone else's needs, to pray ALOT for patience & grace with my munchkins...anyway...Lily & Lacy are usually together at the gym but sometimes because Lily is 5, she goes to the gymnasium to play with older kids. They do NOT like being seperated. Got Lily from the gym, then went to childcare to pick up the other 3.

Lily & Lacy rush into eachothers arms, Lily says, "I missed you sooo much sissy" "Did you cry?"
Sissy, "Yes, I cried a little. Did you cry?"
Lily, "I cried a little too."

I dread when the time comes that they don't want to share a room, they don't want to play together and then someday, they get into huge fights and won't speak to eachother. For now, I love that they love eachother so much.


Everyone knows toots aka farts are funny, doesn't matter if your 2, 22 or 102, it's funny. Took Haley for her 4 month c/u today, Lily & Lacy tagged along because A) they're super nosey and B) they get a sucker at the Dr.'s office.

Waiting for the Dr., Lily lets out a super duper loud toot. And starts hysterically giggling. I advised her that was bad manners.

"Because it's bad manners to toot in the Dr's office"
"Well, where am I supposed to toot?"
"If you need to toot, then you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom"
Which is utterly ridiculous because there is no way I'm dragging all 4 kids to a bathroom when we're out everytime Lily needs to toot.

What would happen?

What would happen if Daddy sat on a branch?

What would happen if Mommy sat on a branch?

Daddy would catch Mommy

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lacy's what would happen today

Daddy, what would happen if there was alotta alotta alotta paramantis' in our house?

Note: a paramantis is a praying mantis

I have no idea Lacy what we would do...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Where's that policeman going?

Lily & Lacy got a giant lecture about crossing the street without looking and without a grownup since they just ran across the street with their friend without looking and without a grownup. Jason gave them a lecture and then showed them a video on YouTube with someone getting hit by a car. Not sure it scared them since they wanted to watch it again. Jason explained that a car could kill them, talked about was getting killed means, on & on.

On our way somewhere, a police car had lights & sirens on. Lacy asked where it was going, I answered it was going to help someone.

Lily answered, "He's probably going to help a Mommy & some little girls that got smooshed and keeled (how she says killed) when they didn't look both ways"

Lacy's What would happen?

Lacy likes to ask "What would happen?" questions ALL the time. Here are a few...

What would happen if Mommy fell in the potty?
What would happen if Daddy sat on Haley?
What would happen if you were a fish?
What would happen if there was a shark in our lake?

And on and on and on and on

Say Yes whenever you can

I've read this parenting advice before but I ended up reading an article yesterday that said it again and I REALLY needed it yesterday. One of those days when Haley was crying alot, Harper was doing the most annoying sound in the world...the high pitched whine that never ends, Lily was sassy, demanding, 5 going on 15 and Lacy, well Lacy was her sweet self but was getting over a fever so was able to play like crazy but was "still sick" when it was clean up time,etc. All day long I kept saying no, no, no, no, no which made everything worse. I said No to things I normally say yes to, no to things that were no big deal but somehow, I thought I would gain control of these wayward munchkins.

I am determined to say YES whenever I can to my girls so when I do have to say No, it means something instead of just a word they hear all the time like background noise. I'm going to try & try to say Yes when they ask to help make cupcakes even though I'm in a hurry, say Yes when they want to do something that will probably result in another mess that needs to be cleaned up.

Dog tricks..

Conversation in the car...

Lacy was so excited because she saw a dog sitting up the passenger seat in the car beside us.
"Mommy, how does the dog do that?"
"That's just how God made dogs" (this is my standard answer for ALOT of things that are just unexplanable but it is true?

And of course Lily has an answer for everything and says, "Sissy, the dog can sit like that because it's a circus dog" Duh...

Potty Talk

Eavesdropping on a conversation between Lily & Lacy while they're in the potty:

Lily's washing her hands, Lacy is on the potty.

Lacy says, "Lily, you wait for me Ok?"
No answer
Lacy says, "You, wait for me Ok?"
No answer
Lacy says, "You wait for me Ok?"
No answer
Lacy says, "Did you poop or pee?"
Lily FINALLY answers, "I just peed"
Lacy says, "I'm pooping. You wait for me Ok?"

Haley's Snot

Poor Haley, first time she's really been sick. Green snot, had to do a breathing treatment at the Dr. You would think I've seen & done everything but this was our first albuterol mask experience. Probably the longest 15 minutes of my life, trying to keep the mask on her little face. I can't even imagine Harper keeping the mask on, I would have to put her in a straitjacket. Lily asked why I had to use the nasal aspirator aka snot sucker on Haley. I explained that babies don't know how to blow their nose and her response, "Because her bones are not very strong" Ummm yeah, sometimes I just agree with her crazy thoughts because I really can't even come up with a good explanation.

Aunt Cheryl

Aunt Cheryl came up for the night last week & the girls just think she's a rock star. She'll hang out at their baby pool with them, do crafts, read the same book 20x, you know she's a cool aunt. When it came time for Aunt Cheryl to leave, Lacy says to her, "We had a great time with you" and after she left she said, "She's so nice Mommy" Aunt Cheryl is also one of the few people that is brave enough to watch all 4 and during Haley's fuss time so we could go out to dinner alone..very brave.

Powdered Sugar

Haley has chunky little thighs that get a little chaffed at times so I'll often put baby powder on her during diaper changes. Lacy came up to me one day & said, "Can you put some powdered sugar in my panties?"


"Like you do Haley. Can I have some powdered sugar?"