Sunday, July 25, 2010

THOSE days...

Yesterday was one of THOSE days, well not even the whole day, just from the time they got up from nap until bedtime so like 4 hours, 37 minutes for Lily & Lacy, 2 hours 42 minutes for Haley and 3 hours 4 minutes for Harper. In between the whining, squealing, tattling, stomping, fussing, incessant questioning of everything....

"Lacy, please don't sneeze on the donuts" from Jason
"Mommy, would you not like it if a alligator ate your arm off" from Lily
"What would happen if our car fell in a big hole?" from Lacy
"I'll miss you Lacy" from Lily, talking about when she starts kindergarten
"What would happen if I rode the bus when I was 4?" from Lily

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