Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lily, the patient

I struggle and struggle to be a good Mom and a decent human being when Lily is sick, on a regular Lily can be a wee bit demanding so when she's sick, I really have to grit my teeth and just pray alot to be compassionate. I know she doesn't feel well, totally get that but when the other girls have the same bug and will be kind of whiny, sleep alot and watch alot of Strawberry Shortcake, Lily will MOAN & WHINE & CRY like she's dying but she will also bark out orders at me every few minutes, "Mommy, can you get me my cup?" which is two inches from her hand. "Mommy, can you get me fresh water?", which I just refreshed 20 minutes ago, "Mommy, can you tell the other girls that I get to pick the movie because I'm sick?", "Mommy, can you move my hair out of my face?", "Mommy, Harper just took Haley's tootie", seriously, if you're that sick, you shouldn't have the energy for tattling! "Mommy, can you take my temperature?" even though I took it 4 seconds ago. "Mommy, I think the Cheerios are staying down, can I have a cinnamon roll?" Me, "lily, I'll save you a cinnamom roll for when you're feeling better" "Can you save me TWO?"

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