Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Patterns & Poop

So, after the gym, I decided to make a "quick" run into Hobby Lobby with Harper, Haley & Lacy since who can pass up 99 cent patterns??? My plan was to run in, look through the pattern book and grab some patterns. Wasn't going to be picky, really, they're 99 cents! Walk in the store, of course all of the Easter stuff is right up front. Lacy, "EASTER STUFF! Can we look?" Me, "Yes, just for a minute"...20 minutes later, we're finally headed to the back of the store to look at patterns. I try to sit down to flip through the book while Lacy sits by me, little ones in the cart. "I get out", Harper starts yelling. Get her out of the cart. Haley starts whining since she's the only one stuck in the cart now. Dig in my bag for a snack or a toy or something to keep the peace. Sit back down, where did Harper go? "Harper, where are you?" "I pooping" Ugggghhh...of course there are people around. "Ok, we'll change you" "I poop Hobby Lobby" "I know you pooped, Let me grab my patterns and we'll go change you" Now, I'm trying to grab my patterns out of the drawer while Harper keeps announcing, "I pooped, I pooped" I know, all the other customers know and Lord knows everyone is smelling it. We hurry to the checkout, by now 99 cents doesn't seem like such a deal for so much WORK to get in & out of the store. While checking out, the cashier says Hi to the girls, Harper of course answers super loud, "I POOPED!"

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