Thursday, December 2, 2010

That crazy girl...

Harper is still learning the rules of our house as she transforms from little toddler monkey to little girl and we're working on getting consistent (well,really me) with her as she's so darn funny & cute, it's been easier to let some thing slide. This week, she's big into pretending to be an airplane. While standing on her chair, arms spread out, yelling, "I airplane, Mommy, I airplane"
Me, "Harper, sit down"
Harper, "No"
Me, "No is not one of your choices, sit down."
She sits down for two seconds, back up again, "I airplane, I airplane"
Me, "Harper, sit down. If you get up again, you're done with breakfast"
Harper, ""
Lily chimes in, "That crazy girl needs to learn the rules of our home"