Sunday, April 22, 2012


Playing at the Party Store
Fiesta! They LOVE the party store...especially Haley who I know steals extra Hershey kisses that she eats super fast. I always tell the cashier to add 5 Hershey kisses to our total since the girls know "NEWTONS DON'T STEAL!"
Lily's picture of our family. Not sure what we're drinking and why we all have giant boots on..
Here's Lacy's handwriting practice from school. Note that she writes about her love for her teacher FIRST and I'm under that...I'm not even capitalized!!!
This was so awesome..the kindergarteners each did a powerpoint presentation for their family at school. Yes, the kindergarteners did their very own powerpoint. It was so cool to watch, well until Harper & Haley started fighting over my iphone, then fought over who could sit on the chair with Lacy and then until Haley tried to take off running which she finds ridiculously funny...I do not.

Literate Puppies

Lily & I were hanging watching Puppy videos on You Tube since they're so deprived and don't have their own dog. The puppies had a two part kennel, one where they played and the other where it had newspaper for the puppies to potty on.
Lily watches the puppy go in the newspaper part and says, "Awww, thats so cute, he's going to read the newspaper"
Jason, "Lily, can dogs read?"
Lily, "Just in their head"
Jason, "What do you mean in their head?"
Lily, "Well they can't talk so they just think the words"
Jason, "So puppies can read?"
Lily, "Not til they get older"

Bad Words

The girls are learning all kinds of great new words at school, like stupid, dumb, OMG,etc. And yes, I know this is just the beginning of them learning lots of things we have to then "correct" at home. What's funny is that they call these, the bad "s" word or the bad "d" word. The other day Lacy comes running in from outside saying:
"Harper's saying the bad "P" word"
Me, "Whats the bad "p" word Sissy?"
Lacy, "You know, it comes out of here.." pointing to her booty.

More funnies

We ran errands today while Jason got some work done @ home, we stopped at Lowes and of course the girls were DYING of thirst and forgot their water bottles. Bought the little girls a bottle of water and the big girls one to share. Haley's not a very good sharer yet.
Harper, "Mommy, Haley Mae Mae's not sharing the water with me"
Harper, "Mommy, Haley Mae Mae's not still not sharing with me"
And repeat about 10x
Me, "Harper, I'm driving, you are going to have to work it out yourself"
Harper, "Lily, Lacy, make Haley Mae Mae give me that water!"
That is Harper's way of working it out herself!

Crazy girls...

I had forgotten something at home after we dropped the girls off @ school so I told Harper & Haley I was going to run in & get it while they waited in the car in the garage. Harper is a little bit paranoid when I'm out of site...
"But what if a stranger takes us?"
Me, "A stranger isn't going to take you from our garage"
Harper, " But what if a stranger sees us in the garage?"
Me, "A stranger can't see you in the garage"
Harper, "But what if the stranger has a special flashlight to see us?"
Me, "What are you talking about, there's no special flashlight"
Harper, "But what if the stranger just has a reggielar (how Harper says regular) flashlight"
Me, "No one has any flashlights, I'll be right back!!!!"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quick Change...

Jason does Bible time with the girls during snack time at night, he read the "water to wine" miracle story and...
Jason, "Do you know what wine is?"
Lily, "yeah, it's red blood"

Later on,
Lacy, "It was a sad day when Jesus died on the cross" (they are super interested in it since we talked so much about it at Easter time)
Jason, "It was sad but we should be happy and grateful that Jesus died for our sins and we can go to Heaven"
Lacy, "You sure got alot of moles Daddy, I only have 4" Hmmmm......

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Harper's Lyrics

Harper made up an awesome song in the car today...sung ridiculously loudly

If you have no clothes, you will be naked
If you are naked, you will be cold
If you are cooooold, you should get some clothes
If you can't put your clothes on, ask you sisters for some heeeeeeeellllllllp

On another note she also said I was her servant today.
"Mommy, I need milk in my cereal and milk in my cup"
Me, "Harper, want to try that again?"
"Mommy, may I have some milk in my cup and milk in my cereal cause you are my servant"