Thursday, May 31, 2012 of a kind

I have so much to catch up on from blogging about the wedding, end of school and lots of other fun stuff but I jotted down some funnies mostly from Harper...of course.

Driving down the road, Harper says, "This is not the right way Mommy. You are going the wrong way"
Me, "No, this is the right way Harper. Same way we go everyday"
Harper, "No, you are wrong, I am right"
Me, "Nope, this is the right way"
Harper, "Mommy, if you just follow my ERECTION I will get you there safely"

Passing our local diving store which has a Toucan on the sign, Harper says, "There's the pirate store" because apparently every pirate store must have a toucan.
Me, "What do they sell at pirate stores Harper?"
Harper, "You know, eye patches and hooks and stuff"

Heading to our new gym, I told Harper, "Aren't you excited? You'll get to make new friends"
"Well, Mommy, what if they try to smell my boogers?"
I was just speechless on how to answer that.

Conversation between Harper & Lacy
Harper, "Lacy, don't go so fast, I don't have many legs"
Lacy, "How many legs do you have?"
Harper, "I just have two legs, thats all"
Lacy, "Me too!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chicks & Butterflies

Lacy's class has baby chicks, they've been following them from egg to hatching this week. Lacy very seriously informed us at dinner that, "You can't laugh if you hold a chick and they go to the bathroom on your hand. It's not funny and the chicks will be so sad if you laugh at them"

Lily's class has had butterflies, following them from caterpillar, coccoon and then butterfly. She's also been studying the different types of butterflies and considers herself quite the expert. Tonight, we're watching a wildlife show and I asked Lily what kind of butterfly it was, "Umm..I think that's the...TARANTULA butterfly"  Hmmm...maybe not such an expert!