Monday, October 21, 2013

Preschool Drop Out

Haley is officially a preschool drop out & I couldn't be happier about it! I'm amazed at the weird looks that say "Why on earth would you pull your 3 year old out of preschool, she'll probably never get into Harvard?" Seriously people, she's 3!  I had very mixed feelings about her going to preschool this year, most of them were MY feelings about sending my youngest off to "school" two mornings a week. I love her, I love being with her and I wasn't ready.  I thought keeping her home this year would be selfish since she acted like she really wanted to go. She didn't cry when I dropped her off, seemed to like it but I did notice some mornings she & Harper would say, " Who has to go to school today? We want to stay home" and then one morning Haley says, " I need a break. School gives me a headache"...yes, it was just Haley being Haley but I think it was God nudging me a little. Prayed about it & when Jason got home, I said, "Please don't think I'm a crazy Mom but I want to pull Haley out of preschool" He didn't think I was crazy mom and now she's a drop out. We now have a few days a week when we can just stay home or do something fun on our schedule. Can I keep the outside world from eating into our family time forever? No, but I can certainly try to carve out as much time for us as I can while I can.

Many of my mom friends dread school breaks & the summer, I'm not that Mom. I crave uninterrupted, unscheduled time without the rushing around that school brings. I'm not supermom, they drive me crazy sometimes, I want to run away sometimes, sometimes I just can't answer one more question without thinking my head will explode but they're still my favorite people to be around.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Long overdue picture round up!

 Lily & Lacy back to school haircuts. We have major haircut remorse about Lily's.
 Very unpolitically correct picture. We saw some Muslim women with their headcoverings out one day, I explained it & then a few days later....
 Proof Haley can sleep ANYWHERE, in the middle of the day @ our community pool while kneeling on the concrete.
 Silly Lacy @ Back to school picnic
 First day of 2nd & 3rd grade...please let me figure out a way to stop time.
 Haley Mae on open house day
 Our prayer board...Eli & Elliot are now a lower priority than the twin pandas at the zoo
 Look out world, I'm starting preschool
 Harper, "get in the car already. I get Mommy to myself for 2 hours. Do you know how many questions I can ask in two whole hours?"
 Harper spilled yogurt on her first outfit of the day, had to quickly change and was very, very mad because she "doesn't like this outfit AT ALL!"
 Halloween shopping at Goodwill, Lacy spots this jacket and says, "Mommy, we have to get this for Grandpa, he would LOVE it!" I have no idea why she thinks this.
 First fall like day means leggings and cute boots at our house!

 Because sometimes you just want your Mom to take a picture of your belly & send it to Daddy
 May not know it from the picture but Harper is Daphne from Scooby doo and big ol baby is Fred. Yeah, makes sense since Harper is Scooby
 Fun @ Walmart
The girls have been taking turns planning a meal & then helping me cook...Lacy's dessert was apple pie