Saturday, February 26, 2011

Funny Quotes

From Lacy, "Ummm...Mommy, I thought I had to toot but now there's poop in my panties"

From Lily, "Did you know that today is Martin Luther George Washington Day and he lost his teeth and had cotton balls for teeth?"

From Lily, "Were you and Daddy the first people God ever made?" Me, "Ummm, no, remember we read about it in your Bible?" From Lily, "Were Lacy & I the first people God ever made?" Me, " Think, who were the first people God made?" Lily, "Oh yeah, Adam and Uve" Close enough.

From Lacy, "Daddy's the winner because he has the biggest nose in the family" From Lily, "But God has the biggest nose in the UNIVERSE" I have no clue how this conversation started but that's the piece I caught on the way to speech.

From Lacy, "Mommy, do we eat people?" Me, Ummm no.

From Lily, "Mommy, I see my germs coming out when I pee" This is because I told her to drink lots of water while she was sick to get the germs out.

Tootie Thief

Harper LOVES her tootie, other girls could take it or leave it. I truly think if Harper had to make a choice between me or her tootie, she would hands down, pick that tootie everytime. We've taken hers away from her her but Haley still uses hers occasionally which means Harper will watch her like a hawk and take it away from her when she can. She knows she's not supposed to have it so she'll try to hide it from us, here are some of her clever techniques:

Throw a blanket over her head so we can't see her
Close her eyes really tight because if you're two and close your eyes, apparently, no one can see you.
Stuff a couple a tooties in your zip up sleeper, they'll never know what those lumps are!
Take a tootie and hide behind the chair

I've been teaching Harper to say, "No thank you, I'm two" when Haley "offers" her the tootie. At speech while we were waiting for Lacy, Harper would walk back and forth where Haley was playing, every time she walked by, she would yell as loud as she could:

Lily, the patient

I struggle and struggle to be a good Mom and a decent human being when Lily is sick, on a regular Lily can be a wee bit demanding so when she's sick, I really have to grit my teeth and just pray alot to be compassionate. I know she doesn't feel well, totally get that but when the other girls have the same bug and will be kind of whiny, sleep alot and watch alot of Strawberry Shortcake, Lily will MOAN & WHINE & CRY like she's dying but she will also bark out orders at me every few minutes, "Mommy, can you get me my cup?" which is two inches from her hand. "Mommy, can you get me fresh water?", which I just refreshed 20 minutes ago, "Mommy, can you tell the other girls that I get to pick the movie because I'm sick?", "Mommy, can you move my hair out of my face?", "Mommy, Harper just took Haley's tootie", seriously, if you're that sick, you shouldn't have the energy for tattling! "Mommy, can you take my temperature?" even though I took it 4 seconds ago. "Mommy, I think the Cheerios are staying down, can I have a cinnamon roll?" Me, "lily, I'll save you a cinnamom roll for when you're feeling better" "Can you save me TWO?"