Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring finally..I think

I think Spring has finally sprung, at least this week anyway. I can tell because the girls room only look like a tiny tornado went through them this week. Once homework is done, they're outside until dinner and then usually back out until bedtime. We usually watch a show before bed but someone misplaced the remote and nobody cared that much to find it until Friday evening.

We went and visited the Newfie breeder last week, and of course now every sentence starts with, "When, well if we get a Newfie....." We really loved the dogs but they're really expensive, we need to figure out our fence situation and we already told the girls we're not doing anything until fall so hoping we can figure something out. I have puppy fever too! Probably has something to do with being on my own during the day in the fall ;)

Busy week at our house, Harper's almost done with speech therapy (yay!), book fair family night which always equals at least $50 when we go, Choir and music performances for Lily & Lacy during which Harper commented rather loudly "Wow, this song almost sounds like real music" Guess that's a compliment from her.

So, last week we got a ton of rain and whenever that happens, we get a small pond in our side yard near the big tree. We're loading up to go to school, well supposed to be loading up and Harper is nowhere to be found because she's checking out the pond & of course falls in it. She totally soaks herself down to her undewear with mud and rain. Don't worry though as she's stripping down in record time she informs me "It's really God's fault because he made it rain and he made me fall" I just stared at her.

When we were at Atlanta zoo, there was a volunteer sharing information about how much apes and humans are alike. I overheard her telling her sisters, "Well, I am 97% ape and 3% human" I corrected her but like usual, she probably only absorbed about 25% of what I said.

We usually pray in the car before we head off to school and on Friday, Lily's was "and Thank you God for giving us mom & dad so we don't have to be homeless hobo kids" However, a few minutes later when she was driving me nuts with her drumstick pencils (who makes pencils with drumsticks on the end?? the book fair!) and I told her I was going to use those pencils for firewood she said, "I wish I was a hobo kid so I wouldn't have any rules"

Yep, that's Harper wearing shorts, a tank top and her cozy winter boots. Notice the monkey wrapped around her neck, she took off the lion mask she had been wearing. It was only 65 degrees but I pick my battles. 

Saturday morning and Harper had opened the window, was sitting in it, robe flying in the breeze while she sang LOUDLY to anyone walking down the street. 

Summer List! Powering through 6 more weeks of school and then it's our favorite time of year!

Lacy checked these books out at the library because well, that's what Lacy does!

Oh Look, it's our rain made pond just right for a swim before school 

Haley painting her own nails for the first time, so serious!

Lily's Easter cake

Oh, look it's a cup on the floor. What it really is the evidence of one of my sweet girls drinking all my lemonade while hiding behind the kitchen island. 

Harper's picture of a Newfie...with a crown...and some weird bird..and six legs. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Picture roundup

Getting back to normal after a crazy month, not sure what normal is anymore! Here's some pics of our month...
Lily's first SOLO cake...when you fail, try and try again which she did. So proud she didn't melt down and just fixed her mistake. A cup of baking soda instead of a teaspoon of baking soda will cause a huge mess in your oven and tastes HORRIBLE.
Lily's successful cake!
Haley Mae after her kindergarten shots, she tried so hard to be brave but the tears were falling anyway. Nothing a blizzard couldn't fix though. 

I think we've decided to start researching dogs, we all REALLY want one and seeing the girls with my parents dog sealed the deal. We prefer a big dog and this one definitely is that. We're still lab lovers but they're so high energy and need a much larger yard to run than we have. Our next option may be a NEWFOUNDLAND, yes a 120-150 pound newfoundland. They're big but not as high energy as labs, don't need as much running room. It sound ridiculous but the thought of having a dog to keep me company when I'm an empty nester in the fall helps me...hoping to check out a breeder in the next few weeks so we can meet some of the dogs to see if it's a good fit. 

Harper's newfoundland dog she drew, you know with  a crown and a bird floating above it's head

Haley busy with a juice box at the very last EVER preschool egg hunt we will have

Oh my Lily, for all the times she pushes boundaries and challenges me, there are a million more times that she spontaneously does the dishes for me after breakfast, comes downstairs to workout with me, loves to help cook with me. 

A fresh air break on our way back to KY from GA before Harper threw up....

Harper got up early at Grandma & Grandpas, early bird like her grandpa & her Mom. She would hang out with Kizzy and my Dad, eat her cookie crisp which is only consumed at Grandmas!

Atlanta Zoo, for the price of all of us, it was cheaper to buy a membership...the world is not always kind to bigger families!

Harper wanted privacy on her iPad in the know, because we're all so interested in  Harper's minecraft. 

Totally worth the 2 day drive for moments like these!

The girls at my grandparents farm next to the trees we planted when I was younger than Haley Mae

Harper's leprechaun trap, it's my 3rd and best yet Leprechaun trap concept.